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With more people venturing out on waterways around the country, it's never been more important to consider the safety of yourself and others while on the water. AIS receivers work by taking your position and movements via the vessel’s GPS system or an internal sensor built into an AIS unit. That information is then collated along with programmable information from the AIS unit, vessel name and destination etc, and is transmitted in the background at regular intervals whilst also receiving other vessels AIS information.

Buying AIS Receivers with Bias Boating

AIS receivers pick up radio signals on marine waterways and shore side communications. They operate in the VHF maritime band and the system enables the wireless exchange of navigation status between commercial and recreational vessels.

What's the difference between Class A and Class B? Class A is used by Commercial ships and operates on 12 watts while transmitting. AIS Class B is intended for use on non-SOLAS vessels. These can include domestic commercial vessels and vessels used for pleasure purposes. AIS Class B units have less functionality than Class A units but they operate and communicate with AIS Class A units and other types of AIS units.

If you’re looking for a particular AIS product and we don’t seem to stock it online, be sure to contact us to see what we can do for you.